Tuesday, December 20, 2011

That pre-performance queasiness . . . .

I have to admit that I'm feeling a little bad for wishing Victory would give some sign that she was pregnant, like a tiny little bit of morning sickness.  Just as she reached three-weeks post-breeding, she refused her breakfast, and she has now decided that really it is preferable not to eat ANY meal from a bowl set in front of her.  Poor little girlie is clearly off her feed (those who have been pregnant will no doubt remember the feeling), and although she will eat, she wants me to feed her by hand, one piece at a time.  This is not really a problem with kibble, but it is slightly more of an issue with canned pumpkin and salmon oil . . . .

Apart from that and being a little more sleepy than usual, she is herself.  On our long walks, I sometimes chat to her about her babies.  She appears unconcerned, so I'm taking my lead from her, but still it's fun to talk about them.

Reading about whelping and watching videos has made me think about instinct and how cool it is that even though I can't actually explain to her what's coming, she's likely to take it pretty much in stride anyways.  

I know that although I have the pre-performance jitters, her queasiness has nothing to do with nerves at all.  I'm sure she's going to do just great.

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